Natimuk has a population of 600 people. It has few businesses. There is a climbing shop (open weekends), pub (hotel), milk bar (fish and chips, hamburgers), and a post office/newsagent. There is an ATM at the National Hotel.
The nearest petrol is Horsham (22 km East) or Edenhope (69km west).
Horsham is the nearest large centre and has large supermarket chains, hardware, restaurants, clothing shops, etc. Horsham has a Regional Art Gallery, a good bookshop and gallery Red Rock Books, and a Performing Arts Centre.
The Horsham Rural City council's run tourist website is
Horsham is surrounded by National Parks with the Grampians (Gariwerd) to the south, Little Desert, Big Desert, Wyperfeld, Hattah and Sunset parks to the North and good sections of scrub to the West. The World Heritage listed Narracoorte caves are just over an hour west of Natimuk into South Australia. Also near there are the popular Coonawarra wineries.
There is a chain of beautiful salt-lakes that run from the Wimmera River just north of Natimuk, around the back of the mountain, and 60km south. They are RAMSAR wetlands.
The Little Desert can be accessed 20km north of Natimuk. There is also a 32km bike trail that runs from Natimuk to the lake and mountain and back. Info can be found here
There is a beautiful coastline accessible in a wide sweep from Warrnambool to Robe and the Coorong. All take about 2-3 hours to drive.
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